Thai Ice Cream Rolls

Milk tea is so over. The cool new streetfood trend in Asia is the stir-fried ice cream rolls from Thailand.

Also known as an ice pan ice cream, rolled ice cream, or ice cream rolls, the dessert has been a hit in Thailand for several years but videos of how the ice cream is made have recently entranced the whole world.


You’ve probably seen a couple similar videos on your Facebook newsfeed. The craze sees local street vendors make ice cream right before your eyes in just minutes by using ice-cold metal plates, that are chilled to -35 °C. A choice of soy or dairy milk is poured onto the cold grill and mixed with fruit, green tea, coffee or other ingredients. The cold plates instantly freeze the liquid base, essentially cold 'frying' it, the mixture is then chopped and stirred while crystallizing, until creamy.


It only takes between two and four minutes to make, and from the millions of online views, it's just as fun to watch the process as it is to eat it.

If you want to make ice cream rolls at home, it’s possible. Check out this clip below.


Have you tried this unique-looking dessert treat? What did you think? Let us know in the comments!

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