2016 07 12 dj sNAKE ent banner

The music video’s a truly kaleidoscopic visual, filled with scenic cotton-candy sunsets, neon-lit restaurants and a woman’s maddening love for her car?

Popular music video director Emil Nava directs the video for DJ Snake’s Talk and it’s about a woman who falls in love with her VW Cabriolet.

2016 07 12 dj sNAKE ent MAIN

In the video, a mechanophillac Mexican woman digs herself out of loneliness by falling in love with her blue Volksvagen Cabriolet convertible. The romance ends when the woman douses the car with gas and sets it on fire.

This is DJ Snake’s new bizarre video after 2014’s Turn Down for What, and is a tie-in to his announcement of releasing his debut album Encore on August 5.


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