y101talks 052415main

Y101FM has succesfully put out a website to reach out to the listeners from all over the world.

It was not easy to make it nor is it easy to be handling the site of this number one radio station. But our very own web admin definitely runs and cares for the web like it is his own baby.

Y101FM's web admin, he-who-must-not-be-named, is a very secretive man since he doesn't want to be exposed to the public. This guy handles the web and is responsible for everything that is on it. He is not only a techy guy but he absolutely loves coffee and always bring coffee beans to the station and manually grinds it. He even taught me almost everything about coffee and how to brew/extract it properly. I'm sure he is the reason why I'm always wanting for coffee every now and then.

There are a lot of good things to be said about the Y101FM's web manager. He's funny, creative, patient and so on. Y101FM sure is lucky to have such talented guy for the web.

What's in our minds? Y101 Talks.

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