It’s almost summer time and everyone’s making their plans including Carlow.

For a start, Carlow mentioned that his favorite summer food is the Watermelon. Well, I guess it is a very refreshing fruit after all and best eaten under the heat of the sun. Not only is it delicious, it also rehydrates your body. This is good news to non-water drinkers like me. 

Carlow advices that summer should not be spent in the city. This means you shouldn’t go to malls, watch movies, eat in restaurants found in the city and other similar stuff because he wants you to get out of the city and enjoy what nature can give you. So make your plans and book your trips for this summer!

Carlow plans to head to the beaches this summer for sure. Like his other half, Veronica, he also plans to head to the beaches which are away from Cebu – especially the ones which are not yet developed.

Oh yeah, he plans to NOT spend so much time on the PC too which is a great idea! We better follow that.

Catch more of Carlow here at Y101FM!

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