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As much as he talks and tweets about his morning socks, Jiggy cannot choose which sock is his favourite.

He really does not know which his favourite pair is! can you believe that? He relates them to the concept of children, where you cannot choose a favourite from every one of them.  So what is with my morning socks?

Well, people are usually tired in the morning, according to Jiggy hence “My Morning Socks” where in fact the real thing is “my morning sucks”. It is very creative because Jiggy found a way to word play things. Actually ,“My Morning Socks” is a pun.

Jiggy had this semi-obsession (but I think he really is obsessed) with socks because as a kid, Jiggy and his family hanged socks on a Christmas tree and during that time, the little Jiggy did not hang a Christmas sock which is widely available in malls right now, the little Jiggy hanged actual socks!

If his socks were a gadget, it would be something that will bring him to the past, something that will bring him back in time! If the sock gets old, it will have holes and he would want the holes to be worm holes.  What is a worm hole? It is
a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that would fundamentally be a shortcut through spacetime. A wormhole is much like a tunnel with two ends, each in separate points in spacetime (thank you Wikipedia!)

If you love the Jiggy, give him socks for Christmas! He would love any kind of socks!

The smallest size for adults will do!

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